How We Work

How We Work

At Refresh, our People Principles define how we operate as individuals, teams, and a company. They are commitments that we practice and aspire to every day – the North Star that we anchor on – the true distillation of who we are.

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Refresh’s success is directly tied to three key elements:

Great People

Great people have diverse perspectives but share a commitment to respect, a love of solving hard problems, and a spirit of having fun through the hustle.

Great Ideas

Great ideas come from anywhere within our walls and are grounded in both data and instinct, inspired by what we see in the world, and often fully bespoke and homegrown.

Great Ambition

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Come Join the Team Reinventing Home

Whether through data-driven product design, our modern end-to-end tech stack, or building world-class experiences and relationships for our customers, partners, and employees – Wayfair is changing the future of home.